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Table 1 Coercive control categories and subcategories with examples identified from police text narratives

From: Text mining domestic violence police narratives to identify behaviours linked to coercive control

Coercive control category

Subcategory type

Examples from text narrative


Stalking, unspecified

The accused was charged with stalking

Stalking through vehicle

Continued to follow the victim with their car

Stalking at known location

Defendant has parked their vehicle a short distance away from the victim's residence


Forced their way into the house

Harassment, unspecified

Has been continuously harassing the victim

Harassment [phone calls]

Received several phone calls from the accused

Harassment [text messages]

Victim received over 200 messages

Harassment [emails]

Received approximately 100 emails

Harassment [social media]

Sent Facebook threatening messages

Harassment [unwanted gifts]

Has repeatedly given the victim flowers and chocolates

Harassment [letters/notes]

Has been leaving letters and notes

Harassment at known location

Victim asked the accused to leave the house multiple times


Defendant blackmailed the victim to give them money

Unauthorized information dissemination

Recorded them without their permission

Social abuse

Acts of self-harm by the POI

Defendant started to cut their own wrists

Illegal use of tracking device

Placed a tracking device on the victim’s vehicle

Unauthorized sharing/dissemination of private intimate materials

The defendant shared an intimate video without the victim’s permission

Statements of surveillance

I need to know what days you are home and what days you are out

Internet search of private details

Conducted several Internet searches about the victim’s address

Privacy violation

Defendant went through the victim’s phone

Controlling behaviour

Has become very possessive of the victim

Premises lock out

Refused to let the victim into the house

Home isolation

Isolating the victim in the house

Isolation [family]

Not allowing the victim to see their family

Isolation [children]

Does not allow victim to see their children

Isolation [friends]

Does not allow the victim to socialise

Financial abuse

Deprivation of basic necessities

Deprived the victim access to clothes

Employment control

Did not allow the victim to go to work

Financial control

The accused controlled the complainant’s money

Withholding of personal effects

Grabbed the victim’s wallet

Property damage


Attempted to set fire to the premises

Property damage

Charged with malicious damage

Other abuse

Intimidation with an object

Picked up a knife and threatened the victim

Intimidation to harm

Was going to kill the victim

Intimidation, unspecified

Was charged with intimidation

Obsession with victim

They were obsessed with the victim

Verbal abuse

Threat to harm animals (e.g., pets, farm animals)

Has threatened to harm the dog

Threat to harm a third person

They said they were going to kill the whole family

Threat to take the children away

Threatened to take the baby away

Verbal abuse

Continued to yell abuse at the victim

Threat to self-harm

I am going to cut myself

Threat to commit suicide

He threatened suicide

Direct threat to damage property

I’m going to smash the car

Direct threat to kill

I am going to kill you

Direct threat to sexual assault

I am going to rape you

Direct threat to harm animals

I will kill your dog

Direct veiled threat to harm

Watch your back

Direct threat to harm a third person

Your dad is going to get shot